Massive Muscle Building System

Massive Muscle Building System
Massive Muscle Building System

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fat Lose and Muscles Building

The one question that almost every one asks, “Is it Possible to Lose Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time?” It is a hot topic in the health and fitness field and between trainers and bodybuilding experts that whether anybody can make muscle and reduce fat at the same. Some say that it is achievable at the same time while some make a strong argue against it.
So whose opinion ought to you follow and who is wrong?

To facilitate a clear answer as to whether its likely promising to build muscle and burn fat simultaneously; we’ll have to explore the procedure of how your body work as well as what your body does with the calories that you devour, together with how exercise influences fat burning and muscle building.

How our Body Burns Fat?

Simply put, your body needs calories from food on a daily basis in order to function properly and perform every day tasks as well as strenuous physical activity like weight training. If you take fewer calories than your body requires on a daily basis, you force your body to get the calories from anywhere else. Your body will acquire the vital energy it requires form your body fat. So taking calories in fewer amounts than your body needed for daily use is best for fat loss.

But there are some disadvantages to controlling calories, which is that your body will be capable at burning stored carbohydrates and muscle protein. Once this starts happening, you’ll start losing lean muscle tissue, as a result which is perceptibly not good since your metabolism will accordingly slow down.

The main benefit of having less stored carbohydrates in your muscles is that you’ll quickly burn fat. Therefore low carbohydrate diets are so well-liked now days. However, you’ll be walking a fine line because if you are not careful and take few carbohydrates, you might wind up losing muscle as a direct result of carbohydrate denial.

We’ve looked at diet and fat burning; let’s look at exercise and fat burning.

If you fancy to accomplish considerable fat loss you’ll have to do more cardio, which if done appropriately will burn mostly body fat. For most favorable results, you should do your cardio in the morning with empty stomach. But one negative aspect of doing cardio with empty stomach is that you’ll also sacrifice some muscle tissue for energy. Your best expect for most fat loss is to focus mainly on concentrated weight training in the 7-12 rep range and to keep your cardio sessions short but intense. This way you’ll be steadily and constantly reducing body fat while sustaining your muscles and power.
Muscle Building and Calorie utilization

In order to make maximum increase in muscle size you’ll have to do the exact opposite of restricting calories, which means being in a constant caloric surplus or consuming more calories than your body needs. When you’re in a caloric surplus, you won’t risk losing any muscle tissue, considering that you’re eating a diet high in protein and carbohydrates as well as fats. So for muscle growth your diet requirements to be high in all 3 macronutrients and consist of high quality calories from lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

Eating more carbohydrates will significantly decrease muscle tissue breakdown. Eating more protein will lead to muscle growth and eating more fat will lead to prominent testosterone levels which means more muscle growth.

This is the perfect environment for muscle building but horrible for fat loss!

And last but not least, forceful weight training will cause more harm to your muscles and result in faster growth. But if you’re doing too much cardio at the same time, then your growth will be limited no matter how extremely you train or how good your diet may be.

Knowing All Of That, Is It Possible To Build Muscle And Lose Fat The Same Time?

Based on the above details, you’ll do nothing but “spin your wheels” and at best maintain your current muscle mass and you probably won’t lose any manifest amount of body fat if you are trying to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously.

The bottom line is that unless you have very rare physique genetics or you’re using some fancy and very costly fat burning drugs, losing fat and building muscle together will be physically unfeasible.

Despite of the scientific facts, you’ll still hear some “experts” and “gurus” tell you that it is possible, either because they’re not educated enough to know any better or because they want you to buy their latest late night fat burning and muscle building product.

There’s Only One, Clear Cut Answer, and that’s to focus on ONLY ONE GOAL at a time by utilizing bulking phases to build muscle and cutting phases to lose fat. The Bulking Phase should last at least 3 months and the cutting phase should follow the bulking phase which should also last a minimum of three months, sometimes a bit longer based on how much fat you want to lose.

So if you’re trying to build as much muscle as possible, use a proper bulking phase for at least 3 months and then start the cutting phase in order to strip off as much body fat as possible to show off your new muscle gains and new physique.

All these bodybuilding and fat lose tips are scientifically proved and practically used by most famous bodybuilder and Trainer Adi Crnalic. Once pencil-necked weakling, Adi Crnalic is now a Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Trainer and creator of the famous muscle building system known as Massive Muscle Building System.

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