Massive Muscle Building System

Massive Muscle Building System
Massive Muscle Building System

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Effective Exercises for 6 Packs Abs

Of all the muscles that have on body, the abdominal muscles are the focal point of physique. Having a washboard midsection and a small waist shows that you are physically fit, strong, healthy and active.

In order to burn fat around your abs and build a solid six pack, you need to make sure that you do the most effective abdominal exercises in your gym. The below exercises will help you get a rock solid six pack and a strong core when you maintain them with a proper diet.

The Floor Crunch

Although the fact is that there are dozens of exercises that you can do to build the abdominal muscles, there is really no alternate for the floor crunch. When done correctly, crunches will build the entire abdominal wall and will make the abdominal muscles very strong. When you’re performing the floor crunch, make sure that your back stays rounded throughout the entire movement. Clutch your abdominals for a second at the top of the movement before lowering your body to the start position.

Bench Leg Raises

Bench leg raises will effectively stimulate both the top and bottom of your abdominal wall. It’s important to pay attention to your speed when you are performing the bench leg raise. Do not allow your legs to drop too quickly from the top position.

Your legs should not go past the parallel level of the ground at the bottom position. Make sure that you squeeze your abdominal muscles at the top position for a second before lowering your legs back to the starting position.

Stomach Vacuums

The stomach vacuum is an uncommon and often neglected abdominal movement that was very popular with bodybuilders back in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Stomach vacuums can help you attain washboard abs and a narrow midsection.

Stomach vacuums are very simple to perform and they can be done anywhere, from sitting in your office chair to standing in line at the grocery store. Simply pull your abs in as much as possible by blowing out all of the air in your stomach and maintain this position for about 40 to 60 seconds. After one minute, stop and relax your abdominals and stomach for a few seconds and then repeat again. After a few weeks of doing the vacuum, you will realize a difference in your abdominal muscles strength and size.
Proper Nutrition

This is where a person who wants to make rock and hard abs drop the ball. You can’t only work your abdominal muscles extremely at the gym and then hope that you’ll develop six packs. To bring out the abdominal muscles, you have got to get rid of the small layer of subcutaneous fat which sits on top of the abdominal wall.

Though proper training plays an important role in removing extra fat, it will not be adequate if you don’t follow the accurate nutrition program for your individual goals.

By Adi Crnalic, ISSA C.P.T
Natural Bodybuilding Champion & Top Fitness Author

About the author

Once an average, pencil-necked weakling, Adi Crnalic is now a Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Trainer and creator of the new online muscle building program, Massive Muscle Building

Top 4 Muscle Building Supplements

Before readings ahead please make sure that I am not a seller of supplements, mainly because there are so many useless; fake supplements flooding the market now days. By knowing which supplements help you to build muscle will save the frustration of wasting your time and money on puffed up, fancy looking but useless supplements.

These 4 supplements will help you to build more muscles if used in combination with a solid weight training and nutrition program.

1.   Multi- Minerals/Vitamins

Consuming plenty of food will ensure that all your micronutrient requirements are covered. However, even the best diet can sometimes fall short on a few essential vitamins and minerals. A high quality multi will ensure that all your body’s vitamin needs are met each and every day.

2. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) - Fish Oils and Flaxseed Oil

It’s a fact that 8 out of 10 persons don’t get enough essential fatty acids in their diets. Most people consume far too many omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids which cause muscle inflammation, increased LDL cholesterol along with a slew of other health damaging effects.

Important fatty acids are found in unsaturated fats such as salmon and olive oil. EFA’s help your body produce more testosterone which will lead to more muscle growth. Omega-3 does also help protect your joints and strengthen you bones as well as cartilage.

3. Whey Protein

Whey protein is a high quality protein that is quickly digested in your stomach and absorbed by your muscles. The best time to take whey protein is right after your workouts to help boot the recovery process.

4. Creatine

Your body naturally produces creatine, however, taking it in supplement form is the only way to benefit from creatine. Creatine will help pull more water into your muscle cells and refill your muscle fibers energy units. If you’d relatively not take creatine in supplement form, you can get it through eating red meat which contains creatine. But just know that you’ll have to eat very large amounts of red meat in order to get the best amount of creatine to help you build muscles.

Keep in mind that these supplements are only helpful if they’re combined with a proper weight training and muscle building nutrition plan.

If you are not following the correct training routine and you are not eating the right foods as well as not eating enough food, then all of the these supplements will become fully worthless.

About the author

Once an average, pencil-necked weakling, Adi Crnalic is now a Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Trainer and creator of the new online muscle building program, Massive Muscle Building

Top 7 Reasons to Weight Training

Training with weights will help you greatly improve your overall health and well being. Here are the top 7 reasons why you should exercise with weights.

All these 7 reasons to weight training are scientifically proved and practically used by most bodybuilders. One of them is famous bodybuilder and Trainer Adi Crnalic. Once pencil-necked, Adi Crnalic is now a Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Trainer and creator of the famous muscle building system known as Massive Muscle Building System.
1: You will burn more fat and calories even while you are resting

Proper weight training enhance your muscle mass which directly leads to a higher metabolism. A high metabolism will burn calories 24 hours even while you are sleeping! And directly cause to more fat loss.

2: Proper Weight Training will assuage Pain

Proper weight training is a great way to lighten chronic muscle and joint pain. Constant back pain can be pointed by increase your core, and you will defend yourself against injuries. People are stunned when the unceasing pain that they’ve for years start to evaporate when they start a proper weight training program.

3: To Increase you’re Muscles

Great muscles are good for a lot of reasons. Muscle uses up many more calories each day than body fat. One pound of muscle added will burn an additional 40 to 60 calories every day at rest - compared to a stingy 9 calories per pound of fat. When you train with weights your body composition will change to have more lean tissue, thus resulting in extra calories burned while you sleep. Nothing could be better than this.

4: You’ll Stay Looking Young

Tim D. Spector, a famous professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College in London, lately led a study on the effects of weight training on aging. The results were amazing. They found that exercise appears to slow the shriveling of the protective tips on bundles of genes inside cells, which means a slowing of the aging process. "The data suggests that the act of exercising may actually protect the body against the aging process," said Spector.

Here are the conclusions of the study:
•    Telomeres cap the ends of chromosomes and every time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter.
•    Once a telomere gets too short, that cell can no longer divide.
•    Aging occurs as more and more cells reach the end of their telomeres and die. This results in weakened muscles, skin wrinkles, loss of eyesight and hearing, organ failure and slowed metal functioning.
•    The study analyzed the telomeres from the white bloods cells of twins over a 10-year period. Telomere length was used as a marker for the rate of biological aging.
•    People who did 100 minutes of weekly weight training had telomeres that looked like those from someone about 5-6 years younger than those who did 16 minutes of exercise each week.
•    People who did 3 hours of intense weight training every week had telomeres that looked like those from someone about 9 years younger.

5: To Prevent the Likelihood of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

Regular weight training helps to calm down blood sugar levels. This is something that people with type 2 diabetes, or those at risk for type 2 diabetes gain substantial benefits from. Exercise improves the body's use of insulin, and the related fat loss advance insulin sensitivity.

6: To Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels

Proper weight training has been revealed to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels for these two reasons:
•    Weak Heart Muscles pump little blood with lots of effort. Weight training make stronger your heart muscles and form them to pump more blood with less effort. The stronger your heart is the less pressure will be applied on your arteries.
•    Proper weight training increases your HDL levels - this means a lower risk for rising heart disease. Other heart disease risk factors such as weight, diabetes and high blood pressure all show improvement with usual weight training.

7: To Feel Great

The first thing that many clients tell after starting a weight training program is how much better they feel. Most didn't even realize how bad they felt. It is easy to get used to feeling lethargic and apathetic. Weight training boosts your energy levels and makes you feel wonderful.

The easiest and quickest way to guarantee that you’ll reach your muscle building aims is to follow a highly effectual weight training program. Appropriate coaching and proven, targeted training techniques and strategies will improve your muscle building results.

If these reasons aren’t enough to convince you to start weight training, then nothing will be. Start training with weights today and abolish your excuses.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fat Lose and Muscles Building

The one question that almost every one asks, “Is it Possible to Lose Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time?” It is a hot topic in the health and fitness field and between trainers and bodybuilding experts that whether anybody can make muscle and reduce fat at the same. Some say that it is achievable at the same time while some make a strong argue against it.
So whose opinion ought to you follow and who is wrong?

To facilitate a clear answer as to whether its likely promising to build muscle and burn fat simultaneously; we’ll have to explore the procedure of how your body work as well as what your body does with the calories that you devour, together with how exercise influences fat burning and muscle building.

How our Body Burns Fat?

Simply put, your body needs calories from food on a daily basis in order to function properly and perform every day tasks as well as strenuous physical activity like weight training. If you take fewer calories than your body requires on a daily basis, you force your body to get the calories from anywhere else. Your body will acquire the vital energy it requires form your body fat. So taking calories in fewer amounts than your body needed for daily use is best for fat loss.

But there are some disadvantages to controlling calories, which is that your body will be capable at burning stored carbohydrates and muscle protein. Once this starts happening, you’ll start losing lean muscle tissue, as a result which is perceptibly not good since your metabolism will accordingly slow down.

The main benefit of having less stored carbohydrates in your muscles is that you’ll quickly burn fat. Therefore low carbohydrate diets are so well-liked now days. However, you’ll be walking a fine line because if you are not careful and take few carbohydrates, you might wind up losing muscle as a direct result of carbohydrate denial.

We’ve looked at diet and fat burning; let’s look at exercise and fat burning.

If you fancy to accomplish considerable fat loss you’ll have to do more cardio, which if done appropriately will burn mostly body fat. For most favorable results, you should do your cardio in the morning with empty stomach. But one negative aspect of doing cardio with empty stomach is that you’ll also sacrifice some muscle tissue for energy. Your best expect for most fat loss is to focus mainly on concentrated weight training in the 7-12 rep range and to keep your cardio sessions short but intense. This way you’ll be steadily and constantly reducing body fat while sustaining your muscles and power.
Muscle Building and Calorie utilization

In order to make maximum increase in muscle size you’ll have to do the exact opposite of restricting calories, which means being in a constant caloric surplus or consuming more calories than your body needs. When you’re in a caloric surplus, you won’t risk losing any muscle tissue, considering that you’re eating a diet high in protein and carbohydrates as well as fats. So for muscle growth your diet requirements to be high in all 3 macronutrients and consist of high quality calories from lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

Eating more carbohydrates will significantly decrease muscle tissue breakdown. Eating more protein will lead to muscle growth and eating more fat will lead to prominent testosterone levels which means more muscle growth.

This is the perfect environment for muscle building but horrible for fat loss!

And last but not least, forceful weight training will cause more harm to your muscles and result in faster growth. But if you’re doing too much cardio at the same time, then your growth will be limited no matter how extremely you train or how good your diet may be.

Knowing All Of That, Is It Possible To Build Muscle And Lose Fat The Same Time?

Based on the above details, you’ll do nothing but “spin your wheels” and at best maintain your current muscle mass and you probably won’t lose any manifest amount of body fat if you are trying to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously.

The bottom line is that unless you have very rare physique genetics or you’re using some fancy and very costly fat burning drugs, losing fat and building muscle together will be physically unfeasible.

Despite of the scientific facts, you’ll still hear some “experts” and “gurus” tell you that it is possible, either because they’re not educated enough to know any better or because they want you to buy their latest late night fat burning and muscle building product.

There’s Only One, Clear Cut Answer, and that’s to focus on ONLY ONE GOAL at a time by utilizing bulking phases to build muscle and cutting phases to lose fat. The Bulking Phase should last at least 3 months and the cutting phase should follow the bulking phase which should also last a minimum of three months, sometimes a bit longer based on how much fat you want to lose.

So if you’re trying to build as much muscle as possible, use a proper bulking phase for at least 3 months and then start the cutting phase in order to strip off as much body fat as possible to show off your new muscle gains and new physique.

All these bodybuilding and fat lose tips are scientifically proved and practically used by most famous bodybuilder and Trainer Adi Crnalic. Once pencil-necked weakling, Adi Crnalic is now a Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Trainer and creator of the famous muscle building system known as Massive Muscle Building System.

massive muscle building system

massive muscle building system
massive muscle building system